Winter is Hanging On

Today it was supposed to be colder than it has been for the past week or so, and in the late morning, we heard that it was snowing to ‘beat the band’ outside from one of our co-workers that went to their vehicle for lunch. As I was clocking out, I heard from a cart associate that it was ‘snowing pretty steadily’, and that it was also sticking to the ground. Now, we’ve had temperatures in the 40s through 60s over the past week or so, which has eliminated any traces of ice on the nearby shallow lake, and I believe the frost in the ground has mostly dissipated. I haven’t yet seen any indications that our perennials are poking through the soil, but if the temperatures remain elevated, that is likely to happen sooner rather than later.

As I was leaving work, I noted that it was sleeting, and by the time I reached my car, it was starting to turn over to snow. By the time I left the parking lot, it was steadily snowing, but I could see a tinge of blue sky in the distance to the West, which suggested we were having intermittent snow squalls, so it wasn’t likely to be a problem in the long term. Even so, I was chatting with a friend on the phone while I was driving and she was asking how much and how hard it was coming down. I made my way over to the nearby high school and turned into one of the parking areas near the playing fields, so I could make a video with my phone.

Unfortunately, it didn’t translate well (from my viewpoint) but when I sent it to my friend, she was surprised it was coming down as heavily and we were getting so much. She’s about 6 hours south of here, and while they do get snow, in no way do they ever get as much as up here. Which makes sense, another 6 hours further south of her, there’s little to no snow at all in the wintertime. As with many things, it’s location, location, location. It’s been snowing off and on all evening, and we do have accumulation on the ground, but with forecasted temperatures in the mid-40s tomorrow, it’s not going to be here very long. Which is fine. Daylight Saving Time started today, and in 11 days it will be Spring. Not that the calendar matters all that much, we can still have cold weather after the 21st. At least Easter is going to be later this year, so it should be warmer for those who are searching their respective yards for Easter eggs.

Time for bed. Going to go upstairs and bundle under the blankets. We never did figure out how to better heat the upstairs bedroom, so it was a judicious application of insulated blankets and one comforter that ended up doing the trick. In another couple of months, we’ll be trying to figure out how to cool down that room, like we did the past 2 years. Perhaps more insulation in the attic? Still not sure about this old house.

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