Little Monster

When my cat Rochester died last November, I was certain I wasn’t going to be having another cat in the house for at least several months.  It just seemed too soon to have another furry monster running about the place, and honestly would have felt like a bit of a disservice to a cat that had been with me for 12 years.

Then along came this little monster.  I knew of her existence because the woman from whom I’d gotten Rochester 12 years ago, had an unexpected litter of kittens arrive from a cat that had taken residence in her horse barn.  Over the course of the next few months, she had managed to adopt out all the kittens except one, and she was having a hard time finding the right ‘fit’, as she didn’t want just anyone adopting the kittens.  So, about a week or so into January, while I was on vacation, she messaged me again, saying she “didn’t wish to be a pest, but could we look at the kitten?”.  Seeing as I wasn’t quite ready still, I put off the decision, as well as we had several issues occur at the same time, so time passed on.  And on.

Finally, on a Monday late in the month, we agreed to take a look at her.  I brought along the big blue cat carrier just in case, but neither my wife nor myself was sure we’d be bringing anyone home with us.

Ha.  I should have known better.  Within about five minutes of interacting with her, my wife and I were pretty convinced that we were going to be having a kitten in the house again.  She’s far and away very different from Rochester, both in terms of personality, and demeanor.  Too, her coat is grey, but she has black streaks in her fur, all the way down to her tail.  She’s just as personable as he was, but she’s a bit more ‘in-your face‘ but not in a bad way.

So.  In the cat carrier she went, and she mewed all the way home.

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